Francesco Realmuto

Owner & Founder
Francesco Realmuto, the heart and soul behind Realmuto Hospitality Group, was born in the picturesque town of Baucina, Sicily.

His journey from the cobblestone streets of Baucina to the bustling culinary scene of the United States is a testament to his unwavering passion for preserving and sharing the nostalgic flavors of his homeland.

Francesco’s early years in Baucina, a place seemingly frozen in time, provided him with a deep appreciation for the simple and welcoming lifestyle that has made Italy renowned worldwide. After venturing to the United States, Francesco found success in various fields. Yet, it was the warm memories of his Sicilian childhood and the summers spent with friends and family that tugged at his heartstrings.

Those cherished memories inspired Francesco to embark on a culinary project. He longed to recreate the traditions and cultural richness of Italy through food, preserving the flavors that had left an indelible mark on his heart.

Everything you can taste in Realmuto is the result of Francesco’s dedication to ensure that every meal becomes an opportunity to create lasting memories. Each of the atmospheres he creates, is an invite to experience the simple yet profound joys of life, through the warmth of Sicilian hospitality and the rich, authentic flavors of Italy.

Giuseppe Zito

Maestro Pasticcere

From the charming town of Mezzojuso, not far from Palermo, Giuseppe Zito is a Sicilian-born pastry chef whose journey is steeped in tradition and innovation.

Growing up in the heart of Sicily, Giuseppe was captivated by the world of culinary arts. His path led him to master classic Italian and French pastry techniques, diligently perfecting traditional recipes. As his skills flourished, his portfolio began to shine with the essence of Sicilian pastry heritage, adorned with modern cakes, exquisite chocolate sculptures, and intricate sugar sculptures.

In 2016, Giuseppe earned a place of distinction as a member of the prestigious “Equipe Eccellenze Italiane Pasticceria Gelateria Cioccolateria” (Italian Excellence Pastry, Ice Cream, and Chocolate Team), proof of his commitment to the art of pastry.

Relocating to New York, Giuseppe Zito brought his pastry artistry to the city, offering not just delectable treats but also the art of gelato and chocolate sculpture. Giuseppe’s journey continued with more acclaim, securing the title for the Best Gelato in Italy in 2017, as well as the one for the best Panettone, with a first place at the FIP World Championship in 2018. Giuseppe triumphed once more, earning the first place for Panettone Decorato at the 2020 FIP World Championship, showcasing his extraordinary talent in crafting exquisite works of art.

But that’s not all because in 2020 Giuseppe secured the title in the pastry category, earning the prestigious “FIP Gran Maestro della Pasticceria”.